I love my Mac, l'inno geek sarà tradotto in italiano

I love my Mac, l'inno geek sarà tradotto in italiano

Daphne Kalfon ha scritto, e interpretato, una canzone d’amore dedicata al proprio Mac, di cui avevamo già parlato. Il titolo è ovviamente I love my mac. L’idea era nata giocando con GarageBand, ma l’autrice non si è fermata alla “parte audio”, ora c’è anche il video. Ecco il testo, per ora in inglese, ma una versione in italiano pare essere all’orizzonte

whenever I want, to plug in a peripheral
it recognizes it right away
I dont have to sweat, and pray for a small miracle
its just great for me
Im as happy as can be
and I have better productivity

I love my Mac
cuz its so dependable, so sensible so beautiful
oh its the only one for me

theres never a need, to think about security, trojan horses and viruses
they dont stand a chance, they are such a rarity
its just working fine
I have such peace of mind
and theres a bond of a special kind

I love my Mac
cuz its so dependable, so sensible so beautiful
oh its the only one for me

any software I use, is always so reliable
and I can find almost anything
forums chat groups message boards and newsgroups are commendable
its all there for me
its one big happy family
of Mac enthusiasts from sea to sea

I love my Mac
cuz its so dependable, so sensible so beautiful
oh its the only one for me

iPods, Macdraw, Appletalk, Powerbooks
iTunes, Quicktime, Final Cut, Appleworks
iMacs, Panther, Firewire, USB iMovie iChat and iDvd
but the greatest one for me
its been the answer to my dreams
its the best app in the land
the funnest program ever known to man
why, Garage Band

I love my Mac
cuz its so dependable, so sensible, so beautiful
oh its the only one for me

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